How to Develop a Robust Social Media Strategy for Your Business

As digitalization grows, the use of social media continues to increase, especially in the world of business. Social media is therefore, a crucial part of all companies’ strategies, regardless of industry.

If you want to create brand awareness, attract new customers, and increase your sales, you must build a consistent, effective, and relevant strategy for your social media marketing efforts.

Whether you’re completely new to the world of social media or want to improve your efforts, below we share some useful tips on how to build a strong social media strategy that will drive traffic and help your business grow.

Purpose and Objectives

Goal review

Before your business boosts its social media efforts, you must have an understanding of what your purpose and objectives are. Is it to sell more? To increase awareness and build trust? Or to showcase your expertise and guide potential customers to your website?

There is often more than one goal, but there must be at least one stated. A clear purpose also simplifies the follow-up of your digital activities because you will have a better picture of what it is you need to measure to follow the results and see if you get a return on investment.

And once you’ve defined your objectives, you will need to find the right social media channel. This will help you understand who you are addressing and adapt your message. There is no right or wrong way to go about it, but you will need to adapt your content based on your vision and target group.

Don’t spend unnecessary efforts on social channels where your target group isn’t present. For example, if you want to connect with other professionals in your field, you should create more industry-specific content on Linkedin, or if your target audience is Millennials and Gen Z, then you might want to focus on social media platforms like TikTok.

To increase the number of your TikTok followers you should create bold and attention-grabbing content that will resonate with them.

Produce High-Quality Content

Person blogging

Once you know what kind of content you need, you need to create it. This means you need to figure out how much content is needed, who will create it, and what it will cost. And not least, you have to find effective ways to reuse and repackage it in different formats.

The main reason why you need to factor this into your strategy is that you don’t want to produce content that is only used once, on a single channel. So, you need to come up with a plan for the overall content production, including the schedule.

Stay Active

When you have your social media up and running, it is important to stay active. Opening an account is easy, but the tricky part is maintaining your social media accounts and regularly posting fresh content that is of value to your followers.

You can find inspiration from competitors. Just keep in mind that what works for one company may not work for you. You need to find your style and use images and videos that match your brand.

Track the Right Metrics

Man looking at chart

By far, the easiest thing to measure performance is interactions, but how do you measure the value of followers, comments, and shares? Of course, you need to have followers because if you don’t have any, you have no one to interact with. And without engagement, you get no reach.

Engagement is incredibly important and prioritized by basically all social media today. In other words, without engagement, you are fighting against the algorithm, which makes it harder to reach your followers.

For you to know if you are successful with your social media efforts, you need to track the right metrics such as engagement, conversions, response time, impressions and reach, and audience growth rate, among other things.


Success on social media is also dependent on having the means to maintain a strong presence there. You need people who can post content, who can interact with followers and visitors, and who can answer questions and criticism.

This means that you need to have a customer service strategy in place. In addition to this, you need a social media expert who understands the peculiarities and unique possibilities of the various channels. You need someone who can plan ahead so that the creation of content and interaction with visitors continues and evolves.

Final Thoughts

If your business is successful, you need to develop a solid social media strategy.

There are more parts to a social media strategy, but the tips above are a good start to building a social media presence that will generate real value over time.