Common Marketing Strategies Companies Use to Reach More Customers

“How do I reach more customers?” – a question frequently asked by companies all over the world, especially small businesses and SMEs that find that they get stuck in a rut with existing customers or repeat clients. Here, growth and expansion are somewhat stunted, and revenue plateaus.

But luckily, there is a way that you can give our company the kickstart that it so desperately needs. If you experience a lull in expansion, you might need to step back and push yourself out of the routine you have gotten yourself into.

We are here to help. We decided to unpack a few ways that brands worldwide are reaching out to more customers and heightening conversions. Ready to tackle 2022 with a new lease on life? Let’s get started.

Heighten Your Customer Journey at Each Touchpoint

Customer service agents

Before looking out, we have always encouraged people to look inward first. How are you doing on your site? What is your customer journey like? What does your customer see and experience every time they enter your site and engage with you?

Customer engagement and feedback are critical in this day and age. Suppose your website and various touchpoints are not heightened to ensure that your customer has a great experience. In that case, you are guaranteed to lose the customers you are eventually getting to your site.

If your customer needs information about your products or business, they need it now. So, make yourself as available as you can for that information. A WordPress support plugin is an excellent idea for your customer to contact your company instantly.

Whether it be crucial information on a product, answering any questions they have, or getting feedback about your brand, instant chat services are necessary. Here, you will provide them with real-time support on anything they need. The plugins are simple to use and can even be automated to a point, allowing your customers to feel heard by your company.

Have a Marketing Budget

Money in wallet

We have, over the years, seen so many small businesses hit that growth lull and not expand their footprint further. And a large part of this is due to budget. The problem is that most seem to think that creating a site, setting up social platforms, and posting some content here and there will work. The fact of the matter is, it is not.

Content firstly needs to be constant, and it needs to be interesting. From blog posts to campaigns, social posts, videos, and images, you need to be on top of your content at all times. You also need to be on top of your keyword research and SEO trends. So, keeping an eye on what is happening in your industry is vital.

But it doesn’t end there. You need to put money behind all of these efforts. If you do not have the resources, an Adwords agency has proven to have a high ROI in an SME and is worth looking into. By adding a budget to paid ads, you will be targeting relevant keywords and shifting your company up search results pages.

It means that you will be seen by larger audiences who are searching for your specific offerings! The same goes for your social posts. Sponsored posts are seen by more than just your followers. You can target particular audiences and expand your reach to thousands of potential customers.

Invest in Partners and Affiliates

Aside from the efforts you can make internally through paid ads and social media; external sources can help you reach more customers. Firstly, look at link-building strategies. Blog posts are a great way of achieving this. Informative and educational posts are great to educate your audience, but they are also great for SEO.

They can also be shared with various media partners. Not only will the content also be seen by their audiences, but the links going back and forth between your and the partners’ sites will boost your SEO further. Next, look at pulling in an influencer into your marketing strategy.

Before you shy away from this because of budget, look at partnering with a micro-influencer. It is an influencer with a couple of thousand followers but creating content within your industry. So, say, for example, you sell organic food products online. Partnering with a well-known local chef will be an effective partnership.

Influencer taking selfies

Not only will you know that their audience is already your direct target audience, but they will already be creating content similar to what you want to roll out. Micro-influencers are usually a win-win partnership for both parties. Their brand is advertised on your platform, and you can reach their targeted and engaged audiences, expanding your footprint. These partnerships are usually more affordable and have a high ROI!

The Bottom Line

Reaching larger audiences does not need to cost an arm and a leg. There are plenty of innovative ways to expand your reach and find targeted audiences that will be interested in your product.

The thing is, you need to have some budget available at least, and you need to be willing to spend it to reach those potential customers.