Blended Training Strategies to Get the Most Out of Training

Traditional teaching methods that have been used since time immemorial might seem effective at first glance but fail to generate the desired level of results. And the complete digital training might be too costly or might not be as effective individually.

Here is where blended learning comes to your rescue. It incorporates the positive factors of both types of training to develop the most effective solution to the problem of training.

Following are some of the strategies that might be adopted to maximize the effectiveness of your training efforts-

  •  Incorporating the technology for reinforcing the available material-

Online conference

Incorporation of technology is a must with your present techniques. These techniques can be further enhanced by using the available technology such as videos, audio, social platforms for discussions, etc.

However, this should be done when making your instruction more effective rather than just for the sake of proclaiming to be technology savvy.

  •  Introduce new techniques for teaching-

Rather than just the traditional instruction techniques, new techniques should be introduced. One such technique could be flipped classroom technique.

This technique requires the students to do their lesson reading themselves through the textbook or the provided material and using the classroom for discussions and activities to encourage practical learning and collaboration. Similarly, differentiated instruction techniques can also be used.

  •  Do not forego traditional methods –

Using a blended learning approach does not mean foregoing the traditional teaching and learning methods in totality. Lecturing with a presentation, a healthy classroom discussion, and homework for the learner to be better prepared for the next session is still very practical.

  •  Digitize your curriculum-

Person using iPad stylus

Digitizing your curriculum supports the instructors in better planning and assessing the lessons for the learners’ benefit. If any deviation from goals is found out, it can be readily corrected.

  •  Shared team goals-

Sharing the team’s goals makes you feel like a part of that team and, without doubt, increases collaboration and desired team spirit.

  •  Ensure collaboration in and outside the classroom-

Friends talking

Collaboration is a must, whether it is inside or outside the classroom. The group activities and quizzes can foster collaboration inside the classroom. But, outside the classroom, gaming activities and competitions can serve the same purpose.

Constant collaboration can be ensured by maximizing the benefits of your LMS. Using the messaging tools and instant notifications and forums for out of the classroom discussions can very well support collaboration and team spirit in the trainees. Multiple LMSs support blended learning, Accord software is an example of one such e-learning tool.

  •  Varied assessments inclusion-

When the different types of activities from both the conventional methodology and the modern one are included in your instructional method, your assessments also need to be according to the exercise or activity in question.

For a practical activity, you can grade according to the acceptance criteria. For checking the concept and complacency with it, you can provide multiple grades to establish the knowledge level and understanding.

  •  Using multiple instructional materials-

Textbook on desk

A multiplicity of tools and instructional material is available nowadays. The need of the hour is to use them intelligently to make your training more effective and engaging.

A textbook being the prominent material, even the activities lifted off the internet, or even some reading material can help supplement the teaching. And the best part about using multiple resources is that it helps to adapt the blended teaching approach easily.

  •  Blending on personalized level-

As a strategy, blended learning can be applied on an individual basis, considering the needs and requirements of the individual students. Some students might be comfortable using the textbook approach; others might be interested in new activities and practical learning.

A few others might prefer visual lectures in the form of video, which is accessible to them according to their vantage at all times. If the needs of all students are met while teaching, it will result in a wholesome learning experience with significant engagement and excellent learner retention.


Blended learning is practical and incorporates the best of both worlds. While it might be a little overwhelming initially, using the approach can work wonders for your training.