Six Must-Have Social Media Marketing Tools

As social media marketing grows in popularity, the burden of ensuring everything runs smoothly grows heavier. Fortunately, someone somewhere out there always finds a solution whenever a problem arises.

In the realm of social media marketing, leveraging advanced tools is crucial for optimizing your strategies. One such tool is the DragGAN AI editing tool, which offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface for image manipulation. This tool enables marketers to create visually engaging content with ease, enhancing the effectiveness of their social media campaigns.

The solution to social media management is a plethora of tools developed to help marketers organize and schedule their content and analyze their and their competitors’ performance.

All these tools’ overall objective is to save time and earn money, and who doesn’t want that? We invite you to explore our list of favorites below to see what each of our current top picks for social media management tools can do for you!

1. Postly

If you’re in need of a tool that practically creates content for you, then you should definitely check out Postly. This tool’s AI Writer is arguably its best selling point.

All you have to do is select a relevant category for your product, and you’ll have an AI-generated ad copy in minutes. You also get a visual calendar to schedule your social media posts and ad campaigns and the ability to post in bulk across all major social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, and others.

Postly offers a lifetime deal that includes 5 workspaces, 20,000 AI characters per month, and an unlimited number of scheduled posts and members!

2. Social Status

Social Status WebsiteIf you’re more interested in tracking your social media analytics, Social Status offers four analytics tools to teach you everything you need to know about your social media performance. This includes profile analytics that integrates with all major social media platforms and provides performance insights.

Ad analytics connects to your Facebook Ads Manager and reports on your paid performance; competitor analytics allows you to add public brands and compare your performance to theirs; and Influencer Analytics, which analyzes posts from social media influencers promoting your brand.

3. AddThis

You may have complete control over your website, but all you’re missing right now is a share button on your posts. The share button alone significantly increases website traffic, and AddThis allows you to add share buttons to the content you want to spread like wildfire.

It provides a variety of share button options, such as floating share buttons that follow the user as they scroll through your content, expanding share buttons that allow the user to select their preferred sharing option, image sharing buttons, and more.

You can also customize the share button’s cosmetics, such as color, to match your brand, and add over 200 social media channels as a share option.

4. Mention

Mention is essentially an online data crawler that analyzes and reports on mentions of your competitors and your own on the internet. It’s an excellent tool for gaining insight into how your brand is perceived, allowing you to assess potential issues with your public image. Mention also assists you in organizing and scheduling your content.

For marketers who work with multiple clients simultaneously, you can share all of these insights with your clients to improve your social media marketing strategy. Try Mention today and avoid the anxiety of not knowing how your brand is perceived.

5. Hootsuite

Hootsuite has you covered if you’re looking for a tool to help you schedule your content or manage your marketing team. Create, organize, and schedule social media posts from a single dashboard, and assign tasks to team members to foster an engaging working environment.

This tool assists you in optimizing your user engagement and outreach by keeping your postings consistent and on time. It’s a well-known fact that users enjoy knowing when to expect your posts, so don’t pass up the chance to give them that pleasure. After all, a satisfied customer equals a prosperous business.

6. AdEspresso

If you do most of your advertising on Facebook, you’re probably familiar with the Power Editor. Although useful for beginners, it does not cover as much ground as a tool as AdEspresso does. Create, test, and analyze your ad performance by incorporating AdEspresso into your day-to-day as a marketer, and we are confident you will never miss a marketing opportunity again.

One of the most exciting aspects of this tool is the ability to test hundreds of different ad variations to see which one best serves your marketing goal. This fantastic tool also allows for dayparting, optimizing your schedule, and posting when your users are most active on the website.


Although you may not require every social media marketing tool available, combining the features of some of these can really assist you in developing a bullet-proof marketing strategy without breaking a sweat. Tools like Postly are a testament to how sophisticated these marketing aids are getting each day.

When you consider that most of these tools provide lifetime access to all of their features and future updates, as well as the sheer amount of insight you gain into your marketing efforts, we are confident you will not be disappointed in your investment. Maintain your marketing prowess and earn more than you bargained for.