Best Practices for Linux Server Backup


Protecting critical systems is a big concern for any business aiming to prevent data loss and ensure system uptime. Linux-based servers are widely used due to their stability, security, and flexibility.

Almost most of the world’s top 1 million servers and most cloud infrastructure running on Linux. While Linux servers offer a high level of security, they are not immune to failures caused by hardware malfunctions, data corruption, natural disasters, or cyberattacks.

In this blog, we will explore the best practices for Linux server backup. These practices are essential for restoring servers quickly and efficiently, minimizing downtime, and ensuring the recover ability of critical data.

Basics of a Linux Server Backup Strategy

Accidents and unforeseen events can occur, creating a comprehensive and adaptable backup strategy become a necessity. However, developing a backup plan can be complex and time-consuming. Key difficulties include a lack of experience, high storage costs, potential data exclusion errors, and risks such as corruption or encryption during transmission. To address these challenges, organizations should create a risk list to identify potential threats and develop a strategy tailored to their specific environment and data centers.

Best Practices for Linux Server Backup

1. Create a Backup Plan

Before initiating backup processes, a well-defined backup plan is crucial. This plan should include details such as the location of servers, type of source data, criticality of each system, type of backup (full or incremental), backup frequency, storage locations, and retention policies. Thorough planning ensures a clear understanding of the backup policy, aiding recovery goals and adaptability to evolving IT environments.

2. Automated Backup

Automation of backup tasks reduces dependence on individuals, minimizing the risk of human error and improving resource management. Automated backup systems enable scheduled backup jobs based on specific criteria, enhancing efficiency and reducing downtime during emergencies.

3.  Backup Storage

Allocate sufficient storage space for backups, considering options like external hard drives, NAS devices, or the public cloud – S3, Azure, Google, etc. Combining compatible storage options with a robust backup solution supporting size reduction technologies optimizes storage savings and performance.

4. Improve Backup Protection

Leverage immutability to make Linux server backups resistant to modification, accidental deletion, and ransomware encryption. Encryption during transmission and at rest enhances security, protecting backup data against unauthorized access.

5. Note down Backup Procedures

Documenting backup procedures is essential for continuity. Detailed documentation should include information about critical Linux servers, backup rotation systems, scheduled backups, storage locations, data integrity verification, and emergency retrieval processes.

6. Regulary Test Your Backups

Regular testing of backups ensures recoverability when needed. Automated backup verification and test recovery processes help identify corrupted backups, preventing unpleasant surprises during critical moments.

7. Follow the 3-2-1-1 Backup Rule

Enhance the conventional 3-2-1 backup rule by adding an extra offsite storage target. This additional target, either air-gapped or immutable, provides an extra layer of protection against ransomware and enhances data redundancy.

8. Create a Linux Server Backup Checklist

A backup checklist helps track critical files and applications on Linux servers. It should include directories like /home, /etc, /var, /root, /srv, /opt, and shared directories based on server types.

9. Use Incremental, Application-Aware Backup

Implement application-aware backups for transaction ally-consistent copies, ensuring instant recovery. Incorporate incremental backups to reduce backup size, speed up the process, save storage space, and lower production environment load.

10. Update Data Protection Software Regularly

Regularly update data protection software to patch vulnerabilities, improve performance, and gain access to new features. Stay informed about updates and leverage them to enhance backup efficiency.

Hard drive next to laptop

BDRSuite – Our Top Pick for Linux Server Backup

BDRSuite is a comprehensive & most cost-effective Linux Server backup solution for businesses to backup and protect their critical data stored on Linux machines.

BDRSuite offers multiple options for Linux Server Backup:

  • On-premise Backup – With this option, you can backup and store backups locally on NAS, SAN, DAS, etc
  • Remote Backup – With this option, you can install backup agents on Linux Servers and backup data from them remotely (from any location or network) over WAN.
  • Cloud Backup – With this option, you can backup and store data on BDRSuite’s proprietary cloud – BDRCloud or in your own cloud storage such as S3, Azure Blob, Google Cloud, Wasabi, etc.

Key Features

  • Perform files/folders backups with full & incremental backup support
  • Automate backups with flexible scheduling options – Every 15 minutes, hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis
  • Leverage Linux Immutability options for backup storage
  • Configure Backup Copy and Offsite copy for Linux Server Backups
  • Retain backup data for the duration you need to meet compliance requirements.
  • Restore files/folders to their original location or an alternate one.
  • Implement end-to-end encryption for backup data, ensuring security with the AES 256-bit encryption algorithm.


Benefits of Choosing BDRSuite:

Cost-Effective Backup: Protect your Endpoints data at an unbeatable cost of $0.45/endpoint/month.

Responsive Technical Support: BDRSuite offers 24/7 Technical Support and provides prompt assistance.

Free Trial: Experience the power of BDRSuite firsthand with a 30-day fully featured free trial for Linux Server Backup.


Though Linux servers offer enhanced security and stability, a solid backup strategy is essential to protect critical systems completely. Developing a comprehensive plan with automation, documentation, and regular testing ensures simplicity, speed, and incident-free recovery. BDRSuite for Linux server Backup & Recovery provides a robust solution to simplify the backup process, ensuring continuity for Linux servers.