Where Can I Hire React JS Developers? Why Is It So Hard to Find a Reliable One?

Are you hoping to hire a React JS developer this year? Are you finding it hard to find reliable, talented React JS developers for hire? Keep reading to find out how to find the right talent for your business.

When You Want to Hire React JS Developers

Question mark

Facebook made React open-source a few years ago, and soon every company tried to hire React programmers to take advantage of its easy maintenance and component-based system. Once you hire React JS developers, they can work across multiple platforms.

Moreover, React is designed to create components for web applications. A developer can use it to develop mobile and desktop apps or support server rendering of its features.

Many Fortune 500 companies (including PayPal) use React JS successfully. Facebook maintains React Js and debugs it regularly. Because each component has its internal logic, it’s effortless to maintain and keep the look and feel of your app consistent throughout. The downward data flow makes it easy to change child structures, ensuring reliable app performance. Plus, it supports any platform with a UI but remains scalable.

Where Can You Hire a React Programmer

 If you want to hire React.js developer, you have three options:

  • In-House Hiring
  • Hiring Freelancers
  • Offshoring

The option you choose will depend on your company’s needs and your budget. However, each candidate should be treated with the same vigilance during the interview process. There are many programming questions for job interviews that you can ask. The best plan of action is to create a couple of different sets of questions, mix it up a bit at interviews, and have your ideal answer on hand. Having the right answers is half the battle and will comfort you in knowing you’ve chosen the right candidate. Here are the three different types of employment for a React.js developer:

In-House Hiring

Team of developers

In-house hiring is the most challenging way to extend your team. It requires an HR team or recruitment agency with technical knowledge to source candidates, shift through CVs, and interview candidates. Not only does this take a considerable amount of time, but it can also get expensive, mainly because you will have to pay a portion of the new hire’s salary as a commission to the recruitment agent.

Then there is the cost of vetting candidates, phoning references, doing background checks, drawing up legal contracts, and negotiating. Once the candidate has been hired, they require physical workspace, equipment, licensing, onboarding and training. They will require medical insurance, retirement funds, paid leave, and other perks. Along with all of these, a comprehensive term life insurance policy will also be extremely beneficial and appreciated.

It all adds up and can get very expensive in a relatively short amount of time. Then there is the issue of skill shortages. There is a shortage of skills in the React JS development space. Sure, React JS is straightforward to learn, but there are very few affordable, reliable, senior React JS developers out there.

Even if you can find a React JS developer, they are likely to come at a premium and might get poached by a competitor reasonably quickly. So, if you only want to hire a React JS developer for a specific period, you shouldn’t hire someone in-house. Letting someone go or moving them around internally once the work is done can have legal implications and impact the other staff’s morale.

Hiring Freelancers


Freelancers can be cheaper to hire and manage than hiring full-time employees because they do not require insurance, paid vacation, retirement plans, and other benefits.

On the other hand, the responsibility of contracting, sourcing, vetting, and managing freelancers will remain within your company. Unless the freelancer works remotely, you will also need to carry the cost of overheads.


Offshoring is an excellent option for companies looking for React JS developers. It’s more cost-effective and faster because offshoring companies already have a network of talented, vetted, and trusted React JS developers at their disposal.

You still have complete control over your team and your project and can set outcomes for the offshore team to reach, but you won’t have any onboarding costs, supplying hardware and licenses, and vetting and hiring. All you must do is find the right offshore company to partner with you. They will work with you to understand your project and needs and will match you with the right developers to make it happen.

If you want to hire React JS Developers to take on a project or work alongside your company to reach your goals, offshoring is one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to access the top talent you need. Good React JS developers are hard to find, but the benefits will be evident right away.