Do You Want to Create an App? We Tell You the Ten Basic Steps to Get Started

Why do you want to create a mobile app? Are you getting carried away by the business boom, or did you find a problem that you can solve with your app? The answer to this query will decide whether or not your application will be successful.

In this post, we present a small guide to create your first mobile app, but keep in mind that it may not work for all cases. So stick with what works best for your strategy. The important thing is to start!

Ten Steps to Create an App

Step 1: Get an Idea or Solve a Problem

Lightbulb drawing

If you already have an application idea, go to step two. If not, keep reading.

Do you want to learn how to create an app but don’t have an idea? What you need are problems, and they are everywhere!

If you stop to look around you, you will see that all the products and services you use are there to solve a need. So, look for problems in your everyday life and write down each one of them. Once you have a comprehensive list, start thinking about how you can solve them and stick with the ones that make the most sense.

Step 2: Identify the Need

Validating your idea will show that there is a demand for your application. You can validate your idea with the help of the Google Keyword Planner tool to learn about the number of people searching for what you are trying to do.

You can also make a landing page that highlights your application idea and measures user interest through email registration.

Step 3: Design the Flow and Features

Phone screen

Validating your app idea means you have something that customers want to use. Now is the right time to detail your product or service in a document, or, if you are going to go the extra mile, use a wireframing tool.

When you put your idea down on paper, remember that it should be as detailed as possible. For example, it includes the user’s navigation flow through the application and all the features provided. It will help your developer clearly understand your expectations.

Step 4: Eliminate Non-Essential Features

Go through your prototype and look for features that are not essential to the core value of your app idea. It will help keep your initial development costs down and also help you get to market faster. Later you can add more features.

Step 5: Design Is Essential

App design deals with how your application will look and how the user will interact with it. Therefore, look for a developer who can build an attractive app with a good user experience.

Step 6: Hire a Designer/Developer

Writing on white board

Share your project on and find the perfect developer for your App. That easy! Select the developer that best matches your style and budget.

Or, if you want, you can also make it yourself through an App builder.

Step 7: Create a Developer Account

You must register in the respective App Stores to obtain a developer account and sell your application. For example, a Google account costs $25 a year and Apple $99 a year.

Step 8: Analyze User Behavior

Mobile analytics helps you track downloads, user engagement, and retention of your mobile application. Also, make sure to use tools different tools to check your app’s results.

Step 9: Get Feedback

We hear you banner

Once you publish your application on the app store, the first feedback and customer behavior will give you a good idea of ​​improving your app. Improvements and changes are constant, so stay tuned to what your users say and do to keep growing.

Step 10: Include New Features

You have already built the first version of your app with limited functions and only the main offer. Now is the time to evaluate it and introduce the remaining features left out in step 4.

Through analysis and user feedback, you will know if these new features are relevant.